International Telematic University UNINETTUNO takes origin from NETTUNO – Network for the University Everywhere – model, active in Italy since 1992, and from the success of the European Project MedNet’U – Mediterranean Network of Universities. UNINETTUNO Digital University is an international network where teachers and students coming from different places of the world produce, deliver and receive educational contents through television and the Internet. A technological network that is supported by a network of people, of minds capable of connecting and sharing their knowledge and who jointly created the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and developed a virtual environment to spread knowledge globally. On students can attend the university with no more space and time limits. Anywhere in the world, you can choose whether to study in Italian, Arabic, English, French of Greek and earn a study title recognized in Italy, in Europe and in other countries of the World. Nowadays, UNINETTUNO students come from over 170 countries across the world. In 2016, UNINETTUNO realized on the Internet the “University for Refugees – Education without Boundaries” portal, allowing refugees to access for free the University from anywhere in the world, including hosting centers of several countries.